Today's #WorkerWednesday post features Helen Anderson, a crane operator at DuPont's Wilmington Shops. Mrs. Anderson was photographed for the February/March 1943 cover of DuPont Magazine as part of a short inside cover article looking at women in war work at the company, where “one in every five Du Pont employees today, is a woman”.
Established in 1913, DuPont Magazine was a bimonthly magazine that the company used to publicize its products and progress during the twentieth century. Its issues included articles, product information spreads, and advertisements on topics such as dynamite, quarrying, ammunition, popular plastic products, automobile accessories, and other useful items for the home.
Hagley Library’s holdings of DuPont Magazine includes all issues published between its debut in 1913 and 2003. The publication is call number f HD9651.9 D94 A15 in our Published Collections department, and can be viewed online in our Digital Archive by clicking this link.