William Poole

Industry type: Flour mill
Location: Brandywine Village
Active dates: early 19th century

Summary: William Poole, originally a silversmith, operated a flour mill on the Brandywine in the early nineteenth century. Poole's mill was located on the south side of the Brandywine and may have been the third mill downstream from the Brandywine Bridge. On April 4, 1810, the mill was destroyed by a fire. Poole rebuilt the mill and may have had as many as three mill buildings on the site by the time he died in 1829. John. H. Price later had a mill on the site. Poole's son, John Morton Poole, began the J. Morton Poole Company in 1839.

Citations: Matson, Cathy and Wendy Woloson. PEAES Guide to Manuscripts and Print Resources for Research: Historical Society of Delaware.

Zebley, Frank R. Along the Brandywine. Wilmington: William Cann, Inc., 1940, 179.